My Vehicles
With «My Vehicles» you can manage all vehicles. Do you remember on your first car? Or on the first bicycle? Or even to the first tricycle? Do you have old photos of it? Then enter the data into "My Vehicles", add the pictures and share it with your friends via Facebook, Twitter, iMessage or email. You can enter any vehicle whether your current car, motorcycle, bicycle, tricycle, boat, ship, aircraft, tractor, scooter, skateboard or a tricycle is. Of course you can manage your model aircraft or model cars with «My Vehicles».
  • Unlimited number of vehicles
  • Unlimited number of categories
  • Unlimited number of subcategories
  • Add unlimited number of images, documents, or files of any type as an attachment
  • Drag and drop any file from finder as an attachment
  • Add an attachment with the webcam
  • Add an attachment from a scanner
  • QuickLook feature to preview the attachments
  • Share data or images with your friends via email, iMessage, Twitter or Facebook
  • Search for any selected vehicle through search engines on Google or Ebay
  • Look up in Wikipedia for each selected vehicle
  • Full Screen Support
  • For each vehicle following data can be stored name
    • Manufacturer
    • License Plate
    • Vehicle Identification Number
    • Category
    • Subcategory
    • Date of purchase
    • Purchase price
    • Purchased from
    • Date of sale
    • Sale Price
    • Sold to
    • Product URL
    • Additional features
  • Copy all data to the clipboard and paste it in Excel®, LibreOffce® or Apple Numbers®
  • Export data as a CSV file
  • Show status of current, old vehicles
  • Print to any available printer or save as a PDF® file
    • All vehicles as a list
    • Selected vehicles as a list
    • Vehicle with details and picture
For more information read the HelpBook.